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黄诗茹艺术简介:黄诗茹青年画家。上海市青年联合会委员。上海科学与艺术学会理事。上海市优秀青年教师,大学讲师。其绘画作品将中国画的意境通过油画的绘画元素完美再现,摆脱传统绘画体系的束缚。作品既有中国传统的文化底蕴,又有西方表现主义的再现技巧。色彩艳丽,别具特色,有较强的表现力和时代感。其创作的表现方式及艺术特点和西方表现主义对接,强调用笔的自由、个性的张扬、情绪的宣泄、意象的造型。其在造型上夸张变异,在空间处理上自由灵活,色彩大规模进入绘画作品,创新的将中国画的意境和西方油画元素完美结合,从而为绘画作品赢得了一种新的可能性,产生鲜明的视觉效果,意境芬芳,令人惊艳。其代表作青花系列绘画作品美轮美奂,独具特色。黄诗茹的绘画作品完全可以不受拘束地站在新的艺术起点上,奔向新的自由和新的可能性。黄诗茹与2009年9月1日——2009年9月30日在中国上海新天地中央美术学院油画廊成功举办《美的历程》——黄诗茹个人绘画作品展。得到了社会各界的一致好评和认可,取得了极高的社会影响。各大网站媒体纷纷报导,美国著名生活杂志《名利场》为黄诗茹画展做了专栏影像采访。黄诗茹作为当代艺术家,此次《美的历程》个人绘画作品展被中国当代艺术家数据库收藏,成为中国当代艺术的精彩瞬间和历史见证。所有看过黄诗茹画展的人,大家都为其的作品惊叹——太美了!一个年轻的画家能够大胆创意将中西文化和技法,运用创新,并能将意境美完美再现到几乎极致,创作出具有独特风格的绘画作品。2010年3月6日——2010年4月6日黄诗茹再次在中国上海新天地中央美术学院油画廊成功举办《诗路花语》黄诗茹个人绘画作品展,取得了极高的社会影响,再一次成为媒体和大众的焦点。得到社会各界高度认可和赞扬。2010年5月26日——2010年5月31日上海国际科学与艺术展中黄诗茹的《风雨霓裳》个人绘画作品展再次成为大众关注的焦点,青年画家黄诗茹的代表作青花系列和梨园往事系列,其新颖的艺术表现手法完美的诠释经典艺术内涵。并获得了2010上海国际科学与艺术展优秀作品奖的荣誉。2011年1月15日——2011年2月28日黄诗茹在上海科学会堂成功举办《诗情茹画》黄诗茹艺术作品展,创新的绘画形式,完美再现中西合璧的绘画新理念。她的作品成为中西文化结合的又一奇葩。受到社会各界人士的高度认可和赞扬。黄诗茹毕业于鲁迅美术学院,现任大学讲师。多年来一直从事绘画创作。其作品曾多次在国内外举办个人画展,被各国文化名人、机构收藏。Brief introduction of Paintings of Huang ShiruHuang Shiru’s modern paintings show a prototype for the Chinese national essence with Chinese painting techniques and materials,and the way of large freehand brushwork to display the spirit of Chinese characters in order to be out of the shackles of traditional ink painting. Based on above,her works are colorful and unique, thus have a stronger sense of the times and expressions by means of both traditional Chinese culture and reproduction techniques of Western cultural expressionism. To stress the freedom of ink,the boldness of character, the outlet of emotions,and the modeling of images, her creation of modern ink painting combines the characteristics and expressions of traditional ink painting with the Western expressionism. In sum,her creation has distinctive visual effects and opens up a new possibility of applications for ink painting via exaggerated modeling,flexible handling of space, and access to large-scale color ink so as to break a super-stable structure of paper,brush, ink and water.From September 1,2009 to September 30, 2009, Huang Shiru successfully held a personal painting exhibition “The History of the Beauty“ at Central Academy of Fine Arts gallery in Shanghai Xintiandi. Her exhibition achieved a high social impact and been highly praised by the community. The American famous life magazine “Vanity Fair“ has a special interview of Huang Shiru’s painting exhibition. This Painting Exhibition was collected into Chinese contemporary artists Database. Those paintings won every visitor’s admiration.Huang Shiru, as a young contemporary artist,applies innovative techniques of both Chinese and Western to create a unique style of painting.From March 6,2010 to April 6, 2010, Huang Shiru successfully held another personal painting exhibition “Poetry Road and Florid “ at Central Academy of Fine Arts gallery in Shanghai Xintiandi. It is also achieved a high social impact and been highly recognized and praised by the community,From May 26,2010 to May 31, 2010, Huang Shiru’s painting “ Colorful Clothes“ was exhibited on Shanghai International Science & Art Exhibition, it attracted the public attention once again.Huang Shiru’s representative paintings of series and < Pear Garden> series,use a new means of artistic expression to interpret he classic artistic conception,and won the 2010 Shanghai International Science and Art Exhibition Award.Huang Shiru graduated from Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts,and over the years she has been engaged in the creation of modern ink painting. Through her tireless efforts and pursuit,her works have been awarded in National Art Competition for many times,and collected by many entrepreneurs and cultural celebrities.
